About me


วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

(Rented) House for rent, 0.4 Km from the new bridge, $200/month

House for rent, good location for anyone who need a quiet place and peaceful peaceful environment. there are a lot of big shad trees around the property and nice garden in front. 
- HR-104
- Location: 0.4 Km from the New bridge, Kampot Town
- Bedroom: 1 (bed, matress and air-con are included)
- Kitchen: Big kitchen
- 1 bathroom (Clean)
- Electricity: Yes (Town Electricity)
- Water: Yes (Town Water)
- Security Fence: Yes
- Available for long term lease
- Rental Free: $200 per month

