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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 4 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2562

4 options foreigner can buy real estate in Cambodia

According to the law of Cambodia. Foreigner can buy a house and put his/her name only on the  first floor or second floor, or third floor, like condominium.  But for 
the ground floor, a foreigner can’t own and put his/her name.
Note:   If you (the foreigner) want to buy a ground floor house or land in Cambodia,
You have 4 options:

Option 1: Through the Company (forming a company)
You can purchase land legally in the Kingdom of Cambodia through your Company registered in the Ministry of  Commerce with 51 Cambodian shares and 49 foreign shares based on the Investment Law of the Kingdom of Cambodia. This is mostly happened by big investment company on agriculture...this costs a lot of money. On the other hand, you have to put the deposit in the bank for $5000 and spend more to firm a company. This way you can buy land and put your company's name.

Option 2 : Through Long Term Lease Agreement (50-70 or 90 year lease)
You can purchase land legally in the Kingdom of Cambodia through a 49 years Plus 20 years Lease Agreement. This process is popular for a big project investment, such as on agriculture, concession land.... This can be for residential properties also, you do with the owners and in the lease said you can sublease or transfer to someone else during the existing contract( for this you will pay all the money in one time).

Option 3 : Through Khmer Citizenship 
You can purchase land legally in the Kingdom of Cambodia if you have obtained Khmer Citizenship. It means that you have been living in Cambodia for long time at least 7 years  and you register to get a Khmer Citizen or by the donation to the government it might cost a lot of money.

Option 4 : Through a Cambodian Citizen (nominee agreement, through Khmer friend, Khmer wife-husband)
You can purchase land legally in the Kingdom of Cambodia through a Cambodian Citizen.

1)     You must find a representative (Cambodian Nationality) such as a friend , a wife, etc, that you can trust, however you must have the agreement between you and your representative that can protect you from any lose of property, About these process you can contact us (015 51 11 36/ 099 36 27 36) for the document preparation and more.

2)   You can find a trusted real estate company to be your representative. For the secure representative, and we can be your trusted partner.

